Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ego, and Islam

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. :)

-"eeee, kamu ni ego btol!"~**
"You have such a big ego."
"Jgnla ego sgt, nnt diri sendirik jugak yg rugi."


We often hear these statements at times, usually from one friend to another, giving a little piece of advise that is sometimes heard, somewhat heard, or totally ignored and continuing being egoistic :P

however, what does ego actually mean?

According to (kuikuikui) there are a few meanings;
= our own 'image' of ourself, or a thinking of ourself that distinguishes us from the others.

Rather complicated, aite? But I think this definition fits it best:

a.k.a. ego itu= Pentingkan diri! *sila2kan tepuk pipi anda yg gebu2 tak pon yg kurus2*

You could also relate ego very closely to Pride.
*somehow terigt Prime Optimus from Transformers, or Pride from The lion king (ade ke?) okie sila ignore :P*

*just randomly searching the word pride and found the cover of a graphic novel:colored comic. Looks very interesting! :)*

Anyhow, having ego/pride is not a really good thing most of the time;

"Pride is dissatisfaction with the truth, and belittling the people." [Hadith in Muslim]

"Indeed, He does not love the proud." [The Quran - an-Nahl (16):23]

"So enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein. Indeed evil is the abode of the proud. [ The Qur'an - An-Nahl (16):29]

There you go! To be brutally straight with you guys..
Jgnla egoistic/sombong/riak/berlagak atau yg sewaktu dgnnya.. Tamo ke Allah sygkan korang? (dlm Qur'an ckp nih :P) Ke korang mmg mo masuk neraka? (huuuuuuuu tamooooo)

abode by the way, is staying there more than temporarily. *i.e. proud jd evil, evil masuk itu api2. oooooohhhhh T.T

-"Eeee tamo la jd egoistic, or sombong2 pride nih. nnt Allah tak syg n masuk neraka plak tu! Rugi2.."
Alhamdulillah if you are thinking so right now :)

Tapiiii, egoistic is something that is not always portrayed on the outside of someone. Sometimes, it is something so subtle and silent that lurks within us, that only we and Allah knows that it is there. That it exist in our hearts.

That we have this EGO, that not everyone can see.

*Unless you portray the ego n everyone says u r egoistic, hopefully you do agree with them or you are in a HUGE denial and this might bring problems to you :)*

Well, if you are wondering if you have an EGo, regardless of it being subtle or not, feel free to watch this video by Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan.

He points out what you should look for if you do have an ego, and also ways to overcome it :)

Don't be afraid to watch it, as I know it will only bring great benefit to you :)
Go ahead and find out whether you have an ego or not, or if you know that you already have one, look for how to overcome them in this video.

Do you know that you have an ego?
Because I surely do have one :)

If you do not really have the time to watch the whole video (I highly recommend that you do though :D) I did wrote down important points on the whole talk. I will copy and paste those points here, but it might not make perfect sense as it is just the main points that I managed to catch from the talk :)

But if it helps, I will still post them.

Let us fight our ego, for His love, and for our Loved ones too :')

Islam and Ego
Frustrated with people around even within your family
Among friends too
Didn’t have the same journey like us
Prove them wrong
Amar makruf nahi mungkar
Want to show who is superior
Express superiority
Like others don’t know the religion
promote the ego
religion is to humble ourselves!
youth and elders
we are created for worship
religious honor (Adam a.s.)
you don’t get money or car for religious titles
you think deen depends on us
HE doesn’t need us
death comes anytime
Allah has been taking care of our family
Ego comes when we do not appreciate who Allah really us
We appreciate ourselves instead
inside there’s an ego
If we look down on another muslim: QIBR= ARROGANCE
mustard seed/molecule of arrogance, no jannah!
our evil action: inwardly
has punishment
inwardly more harder to fix because we can’t see it
Think of ourselves
counseling of religion Is for ourselves first
rights of husband and wife, parents
but to serve Allah!
on judgement day, a sound heart
To check if you have ego: if somebody corrects you, you get upset: who is he to tell me?? If this is your first reaction=ego!
think of the good
leave the rest
if feel the need to give opinion, feel offended if not taken; EGO
give for Allah sakes, you got credit already by doing so (pahala)
check yourself
HIDDEN EGO: problemmm
heart ego, heart becomes hard
no longer moved by the ayah in Qur'an, solat
words of Allah not enough to shake you? - focusing on someone's tajwid being incorrectly pronounced
in private, prob, outside okie
private life, turns into someone else
monster inside
nobody can fix it for you!
muscles feel weak, heart feel overpowered by the fear of Allah
Quran came down from the truth
after a long time, religion became a routine, not something that moves the heart
easy to become hard-hearted
become corrupt
you were a party animal too hahaha
very edge of the fire
got pulled back
Allah's favor to you!
don’t look at others like that
wipe out all the goodness out of you
sincerety, you will address the concern to that person
giving life to earth (ayah)
can give life to your heart again
it is possible :)
Remember Allah often?
not only dzikr
if thoughtless, it’s not dzikr!
thank and praise Allah, Alhamdulillah
when you mean it, it’s something else :)
should be uncomfortable with praises by others
put yourself down
give your doa
because you are boosting EGO if you tell someone praises
somebody talks real bad to you
good way to put your ego down
think of it as a gift from Allah, gift of humility
different attitude! :) (optimism!)
learn to serve people for Allah
keep it gradual
get right intention
get credit from Allah :)
results is by Allah
life becomes so much easier then
intentions are not made once
can get rusty
keep fixing it!

find better people
Learn to keep your mouth shut (shaatappp :P)
see something bad, think of something to help them without hurting them
change heart first, will eventually change behavior
only can remind them
Prophet pbuh
remind them, it’s gonna have benefit
reminds so many times
we may not see the benefit
sincere reminder
you get the benefit
words from you, effect from Allah
syura42, alimran
they didn’t disagree with each other until knowledge came
knowledge in religion
urge to dominate over each other
to inflate their ego
this is a horrible crime
they would have been punished immediately
ego on road, people cuts you
EGO is worship of themselves
alimran: in position of leadership
special mercy of Allah
if you were arrogant to them, they would have dispersed from you
sahabat running away from prophet
Not run away because truth
but because of TOUGH and HarsH approach
prophet is the most amazing leader
everyone should be able to give counsel
learn to be more tolerant
different ways of saying it (advises in a more soft way :D)
Forgive them, ask Allah to forgive them when you’re asking forgiveness for yourself
ask their opinion
Allah commanded him to AsK their opinions
Allah is the key to success
Lailahaillallah brings us closer from the bonds of blood
make best of your ability while knowing the results are in Allah hands
get people advised by others, 3rd party
old friendly person saw two people fighting, kept distance if abusive language to you and they will feel it
silent advice

*Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Iliani, apa hukuman pada seseorang minum arak pada hari akhirat? Kalau dah terlanjur, masih boleh bertaubat kah?

First things first..
Alhamdulillah, kalau perkara ni adalah utk diri saudara/saudari sendiri, atau utk kwn anda, sedarlah bahawa anda telah menggunakan perkataan 'terlanjur'~ which means anda sedar akan kesilapan anda/kwn anda sedar akan kesilapan dia, dan ingin berubah+bertaubat! =)
That is a good thing ya! ;)

Iliani sendiri tak arif sgt3 dlm hal ni, tp sbb anda telah bertanya, iliani akn cuba jwb dgn sungguh2 ya, no worries! =)

orang2 yg minum arak n tak sempat bertaubat, akan dibangkitkan kelak pada hari akhirat dgn keadaan yg sgt2 lah buruk =(

Abul Laits Assamarqandi meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a. berkata:

"Akan dibangkitkan pada hari kiamat orang peminum khamar itu bermuka hitam, biru matanya, keluar lidahnya sampai kedadanya, mengalir air liurnya, tiap orang yang melihat akan jijik padanya kerana busuk baunya. Kamu jangan memberi salam kepada pemabuk dan jangan melawatnya jika mereka sakit dan jangan menyembahyangkan jika mati." masruq berkata: "Peminum khamar itu seperti penyembah berhala, jika ia menganggap halal khamar."

khamar di sini ialah ape2 yg memabukkan; arak.

Rasulullah s.a.w. juga telah bersabda:

"Akan keluar peminum khamar itu pada hari kiamat dari kuburnya lebih busuk dari bangkai sedang botol khamar itu dikalungkan dilehernya dan gelas ditangannya, sedang diantara kulit dan daging badannya penuh ular dan kala dan memekai kasut dari api yang mendidihkan otaknya, sedang kuburnya akan berupa liang neraka dan menjadi kawan Fir'aun dan Haman."

Orang2 yg minum arak termasuk orang2 yang tak dpt cium bau syurga, n tak dpt minum arak dlm syurga.

Tentang hukuman2 dia pulak iliani carik2 tapi tak brape jumpa yg jelas. Tp besar kemungkinan ini adalah sebahagiannya;

Sedang ahli neraka dibawa keneraka, maka bila sampai dimuka pintunya langsung terbuka pintu-pintunya dan disambut oleh Malaikat yang telah siap dengan pukul besinya, maka apabila ia telah masuk keneraka tiap anggota badannya merasakan siksa sendiri, apakah panasnya api atau gigitan ular atau pukulan Malaikat, dan bila dipukul oleh Malaikat segera tenggelam dalam api itu sedalam empat puluh tahun, belum juga sampai kedasarnya, kemudian dinaikkan oleh wap api keatas untuk diulangi pukulan Malaikat sehingga tenggelam kembali sedalamnya. Sedang kulitnya sebagaimana tersebut dalam ayat (Yang berbunyi):

Tiap-tiap telah rosak (masak) kulitnya maka Kami ganti dengan kulit yang baru supaya merasai pedihnya siksa. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mulia, Jaya dan Bijaksana." (Surah An Nisa ayat 56)

Dijelaskan bahawa penggantian kulit itu tiap hari sampai tujuh puluh kali dan terasa dahaga maka minta minum lalu diberikan air hamim yang mendidih dan bila didekatkan kemukanya jatuh daging mukanya dan bila diminum jatuh giginya, kemudian jika masuk kedalam perut terputus-putus ususnya dan masak kulitnya, segaimana ayat (Yang berbunyi):

"Mencairkan apa yang didalam perut mereka, demikian pula kulit. Dan untuk mereka tersedia pukul dari besi." (Surah Al-Haj ayat 20-21)

Jadi dari sini kita dpt tgk betapa pedihnya seksa di neraka. (iliani baca pon da ngeriii eeeeee takot2) Ni pon anggaran sahaja, seksa yg sebenarnya hanyalah Dia yg tahu.

Tapi jgnlah anda khuatir yek! =)
Selagi matahari belum terbit dari Barat, dan selagi Allah masih mengizinkan jantung anda berdenyut, akal anda masih wujud dlm diri.. Pintu taubat Dia masih terbuka =)

"Katakanlah: "Hai hamba-hambaKu yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (QS. Az-Zumar: 53)

Tentang pintu taubat pula, ni ade sahih dr Muslim:

Abu-Musa Al-Ashari narrated that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Verily Allah extends his hand at night so that the sinners of the day may repent and verily extends his hand during the day so that the sinners of the night may repent, (He will keep on doing this) as long as the sun does not rise from the West."

Jadi jika benar anda/ kwn anda ingin bertaubat, taubat2lah dgn segera! =) Insya-Allah, jika anda ikhlas dlm taubat anda, Dia akn menerimanya =) It's never too late to go back to the right path, as long as the sun is still rising from the east, and death has not fallen upon you.

..Kalau2 anda/kwn anda mo tangguh2 taubat, mungkin nak taubat esok/ mgg depan/ bulan depan...
yakinkah anda matahari takkan terbit dr Barat pd esok hari?
dan yakinkah anda Malaikat Maut takkan dtg menjemput anda pd saat yg seterusnya?
Ingat2lah yg Malaikat Maut itu menatap wajah kita 70 kali dlm masa 24jam, sedangkan kita nak igt pada kematian tu brape kali sehari yek? =)

iliani akan doa2kan kamu segera bertaubat ASAP! dan juga taubatmu/kwnmu diterimaNya, insya-Allah =)

kalau nak bc byk lg ttg isu ni, boleh tgk kat webstite2 ni:

ttg taubat plak:


Ask me anything

Monday, September 13, 2010


عن أَبي هريرة قَالَ : قَبَّلَ النَّبيُّ الحَسَنَ بْنَ عَليٍّ رضي الله عنهما ، وَعِنْدَهُ الأَقْرَعُ بْنُ حَابِس ، فَقَالَ الأقْرَعُ : إن لِي عَشرَةً مِنَ الوَلَدِ مَا قَبَّلْتُ مِنْهُمْ أحَداً . فَنَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ رَسُول الله فَقَالَ : « مَنْ لا يَرْحَمْ لا يُرْحَمْ ! » . مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيهِ .

Abu Hurairah (May Allah bepleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) kissed his grandson Al-Hasan bin 'Ali (May Allah bepleased with them) in the presence of Al-Aqra' bin Habis. Thereupon he remarked: "I have ten children and I have never kissed any one of them." Messenger of Allah (PBUH) looked at him and said, "He who does not show mercy to others will not be shown mercy".

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: To kiss children with kindness and affection is not only permissible but also a means of attaining Allah's Mercy

Don't be shy to show your affection to your children/loved ones! :)